1,055 research outputs found

    Abordagem de repertório moderno na iniciação à aprendizagem da guitarra: um estudo de caso

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    O presente Relatório Final da componente de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do segundo ano do curso de Mestrado em Ensino da Música da Universidade de Aveiro, está dividido em duas partes: (I) Projecto Educativo e (II) Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada. A primeira parte consiste numa contextualização teórica do ensino da guitarra em Portugal, do ensino de música moderna e do modernismo com o objectivo de demonstrar a importância deste repertório no ensino da guitarra. Pretende-se igualmente compreender e sugerir estratégias de aproximação ao repertório moderno nos primeiros anos de aprendizagem. A análise deste procedimento em contexto escolar e a implementação deste projecto decorreram na escola OSMOPE. A segunda parte deste trabalho, relata a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada decorrida no ano letivo 2021/ 2022 nesta mesma instituição.This Final Report of the Supervised Teaching Practice component of the second year of the Master's Degree in Music Teaching at the University of Aveiro, is divided into two parts: (I) Educational Project and (II) Supervised Teaching Practice Report. The first part consists of a theoretical contextualization of guitar teaching in Portugal, the teaching of modern music and modernism with the aim of demonstrating the importance of this repertoire in guitar teaching. It is also intended to understand and suggest strategies for approaching the modern repertoire in the first years of learning. The analysis of this procedure in a school context and the implementation of this project took place at the school Curso de Música Silva Monteiro. The second part of this paper reports on the Supervised Teaching Practice that took place in the school year 2021/ 2022 at the same institution.Mestrado em Ensino de Músic

    O percurso como elemento agregador na área monumental de Belém

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Arquitetura, apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.O Projeto Final de Mestrado, A Cidade e Seus Caminhos – O percurso como elemento agregador da área monumental de Belém, tem como tema central a Reabilitação e Regeneração de uma área com características únicas na cidade de Lisboa. Com este trabalho procurou-se demonstrar que Belém é um local aglutinador de vários elementos culturais, e deve ser encarado como um todo. Para isso foram investigadas formas de melhorar essa ligação, bem como se propor uma solução que vá ao encontro das necessidades e potencialidades encontradas, a partir da eleição e transformação/criação arquitetónica de um percurso linear e espaços associados ao mesmo. Assim o objetivo principal deste trabalho passará por completar ou dar continuidade ao Percurso Monumental de Belém dentro de uma área de intervenção recorrendo para isso à reabilitação dos espaços públicos, à definição de novos percursos pedonais, e de novas áreas de recreio e lazer bem como à proposta de novas edificações que ajudem a melhor definir a ideia de percurso. Na conceção da proposta foram linhas guia de intervenção os seguintes conceitos: monumentalidade, património, bem como a dimensão patrimonial e cultural da intervenção urbana, assim como os equipamentos culturais como elementos agregadores e dinamizadores de vivências urbanas. Mais do que apenas um projeto tentou-se com este trabalho olhar para o território de forma crítica e pensar um pedaço de cidade como uma continuação de uma pré-existência importante.ABSTRACT: This Final Master Project, entitled The City and His Ways - The path as a adding component of the monumental area of Belém, is focused on the rehabilitation and regeneration of an area with unique features in Lisbon. With this work we tried to demonstrate that Belém is the unifying site of several cultural elements, and should be seen as a whole. Thereunto we investigated ways to improve this link, and propose a solution that meets the needs and potential found from the election and architectural creation/transformation of a linear path and the spaces associated with it. Thus the main objective of this study is to complete or continue the Monumental Path of Belém within a target area, assuring the rehabilitation of public spaces, the definition of new footpaths, and new areas for recreation and leisure as well as the proposal for new buildings. In the making of the proposal concepts like monumental heritage as well as the equity and cultural dimension of urban intervention, or cultural facilities as aggregators elements and enthusiasts urban experiences formed the intervention guidelines. More than just a project, we tried to look at this project as a critical view on a section of city space that represents an important pre-existence

    Comparative effect of sodium dipyrone and sodium dipyrone associated to caffeine to control post-tooth extraction pain

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Adequate postoperative pain control is a challenge among surgical specialties, in spite of recent advances in analgesic techniques and analgesics. Caffeine has been used as therapeutic adjuvant to potentiate analgesic efficacy of some drugs, however there are still no scientific investigation reports on the association with sodium dipyrone in the postoperative period of dental procedures. So, this study aimed at observing and comparing the efficacy of sodium dipyrone alone or in association with caffeine to control postoperative pain of dental procedures, considering hemodynamic parameters of patients as indicators of anxiety and pain during surgery. METHODS: This is a crossover and double-blind study involving 50 young and healthy patients (25 males and 25 females) referred for bilateral extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Operated side, patient's gender and analgesic drug used were randomized. Visual analog scale scores were submitted to Friedman test (α = 0.05) to compare pain intensity at defined intervals (preoperative, immediate postoperative, 1, 2, 4 and 12 hours, 1, 2, 3 and 7 days after surgery). Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in the preoperative period, after anesthetic injection and in the postoperative period (Friedman test, (α = 0.05). RESULTS: Patients have referred mild pain in the first two postoperative days and there has been no statistically significant difference between the analgesic efficacy of sodium dipyrone alone or in association with caffeine in different evaluated intervals. Most cardiovascular changes were within normality, considering anxiety and stress induced by surgery. CONCLUSION: The therapeutic protocol proposed in this study has not shown statistically significant difference between sodium dipyrone associated or not to caffeine to control post-tooth extraction pain.O adequado controle da dor pós-operatória constitui um desafio entre as especialidades cirúrgicas, a despeito dos recentes avanços das técnicas de analgesia e dos analgésicos. A cafeína tem sido utilizada como adjuvante terapêutico para potencializar a eficácia analgésica de alguns fármacos, porém ainda não existe relatos de investigação científica da associação com a dipirona sódica em dor pós-operatória em procedimentos odontológicos. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi observar e comparar a eficácia da dipirona sódica isolada e da dipirona sódica associada à cafeína no controle da dor pós-operatória em cirurgia dental, considerando os parâmetros hemodinâmicos dos pacientes como indicador de ansiedade e de dor durante a cirurgia. Estudo cruzado e duplo encoberto incluiu 50 pacientes jovens e saudáveis (25 homens e 25 mulheres) com indicação de exodontia bilateral de terceiros molares mandibulares impactados. O lado operado, o gênero do paciente e o fármaco analgésico usado foram randomizados. Os escores obtidos pela escala analógica visual foram submetidos ao teste de Friedman (α = 0,05) para comparação das intensidades dolorosas em intervalos definidos (pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato, 1, 2, 4 12 horas, 1, 2, 3 e 7 dias após as cirurgias) e as alterações nos parâmetros de pressão arterial e frequên­cia cardíaca foram mensurados no pré-operatório, após a injeção anestésica e no pós-operatório (teste de Friedman, α = 0,05). Os pacientes experimentaram dor leve nos dois primeiros dias de pós-operatório e não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre a eficácia analgésica da dipirona sódica isolada e da dipirona sódica associada à cafeína nos diferentes intervalos medidos. A maioria das alterações cardiovasculares observadas estava dentro da normalidade, considerando a ansiedade e estresse induzido pela cirurgia. O protocolo terapêutico proposto neste estudo não demonstrou diferença estatística significante na eficiência analgésica da dipirona sódica associada ou não a cafeína no controle da dor pós-exodontia143174178Adequate postoperative pain control is a challenge among surgical specialties, in spite of recent advances in analgesic techniques and analgesics. Caffeine has been used as therapeutic adjuvant to potentiate analgesic efficacy of some drugs, however there are still no scientific investigation reports on the association with sodium dipyrone in the postoperative period of dental procedures. So, this study aimed at observing and comparing the efficacy of sodium dipyrone alone or in association with caffeine to control postoperative pain of dental procedures, considering hemodynamic parameters of patients as indicators of anxiety and pain during surgery. This is a crossover and double-blind study involving 50 young and healthy patients (25 males and 25 females) referred for bilateral extraction of impacted mandibular third molars. Operated side, patient's gender and analgesic drug used were randomized. Visual analog scale scores were submitted to Friedman test (α = 0.05) to compare pain intensity at defined intervals (preoperative, immediate postoperative, 1, 2, 4 and 12 hours, 1, 2, 3 and 7 days after surgery). Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in the preoperative period, after anesthetic injection and in the postoperative period (Friedman test, (α = 0.05). Patients have referred mild pain in the first two postoperative days and there has been no statistically significant difference between the analgesic efficacy of sodium dipyrone alone or in association with caffeine in different evaluated intervals. Most cardiovascular changes were within normality, considering anxiety and stress induced by surgery. The therapeutic protocol proposed in this study has not shown statistically significant difference between sodium dipyrone associated or not to caffeine to control post-tooth extraction pai

    Portuguese nurses’ stress, anxiety, and depression reduction strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to mental health problems worldwide. Nurses are particularly prone to stress because they directly care for individuals with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. The aims of this study were (a) to explore the association between the mental health promotion strategies used by nurses during the COVID-19 outbreak and their symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress; (b) to compare the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress of mental health nurses to those of non-mental health nurses; and (c) to compare the frequency of use of mental health strategies of mental health nurses to those of non-mental health nurses. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 821 nurses. Univariate and multivariate regression models were developed to identify potential protective factors of depression, anxiety, and stress. The chi-square test was also used to compare the use of strategies among mental health and non-mental health nurses. Portuguese nurses demonstrated high symptoms of depressive symptoms, stress, and anxiety. Healthy eating, physical activity, rest between shifts, maintaining social contacts, verbalizing feelings/emotions, and spending less time searching for information about COVID-19 were associated with better mental health. Mental health nurses had less depression, anxiety, and stress, and used more strategies to promote mental health than other nurses. We consider it important to promote nurses’ mental health literacy by encouraging them to develop skills and strategies aimed at improving their resilience and ability to deal with difficult situations while caring for the population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Men’s mental health in the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of intolerance of uncertainty and social support

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    The COVID-19 pandemic exerted a tremendous toll on individuals’ mental health. This study aimed to examine the associations between men’s common mental disorders (CMD), intolerance of uncertainty (IU), and social support (SS). A cross-sectional online study was carried out in all Brazilian states. Participants were 1.006 adult men recruited through social media using a snowball technique. Men completed the Self-Report Questionnaire-20, the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, the Two-Way Social Support Scale, and a sociodemographic questionnaire. In addition, a t-Test and a regression analysis were performed.  Men in the clinical group reported significantly higher levels of IU and lower levels of SS. Furthermore, SS moderated the relationship between IU and CMD, suggesting that SS might help protect men’s mental health against the deleterious effects of IU in a pandemic scenario. These results indicate that different forms of social support seem to be a promising focus of psychosocial intervention in this context.La pandemia de COVID-19 afectó considerablemente la salud mental individual. Este estudio examinó las asociaciones entre los trastornos mentales comunes (TMC) de los hombres, la intolerancia a la incertidumbre (II) y el apoyo social (AS). Es un estudio transversal online realizado en los estados brasileños, con 1.006 hombres adultos reclutados en redes sociales mediante la técnica de bola de nieve. Respondieron el Self-Report Questionnaire-20, la Escala de Intolerancia a Incertidumbre, la Escala de Apoyo Social Two-way y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Se realizaron el test t y el análisis de regresión. Hombres del grupo clínico informaron significativamente niveles superiores de II e inferiores de AS. Además, AS moderó la relación entre II y TMC, lo que sugiere que AS protege la salud mental de los hombres contra los efectos nocivos de II en la pandemia. Estos resultados sugieren que el apoyo social es un foco prometedor de intervención psicosocial en este contexto.A pandemia da COVID-19 impactou consideravelmente a saúde mental dos indivíduos. Este estudo teve por objetivo examinar associações entre transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) de homens, a intolerância à incerteza (II) e apoio social (AS). Trata-se de um estudo transversal online realizado em todos os estados brasileiros, com 1.006 homens adultos recrutados em redes sociais mediante a técnica de bola de neve. Os participantes responderam ao Self-Report Questionnaire-20, à Escala de Intolerância à Incerteza, à Escala de Apoio Social Two-way e a um questionário sociodemográfico. Teste t e análise de regressão foram realizados. Os homens do grupo clínico relataram significativamente níveis maiores de II e níveis inferiores de AS. Além disso, o AS moderou a relação entre II e TMC, sugerindo que AS protege a saúde mental dos homens contra efeitos deletérios da II na pandemia. Esses resultados sugerem que o apoio social parece ser um foco promissor de intervenção psicossocial nesse contexto

    The use of mental health promotion strategies by nurses to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: a prospective cohort study

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    Objectives: To evaluate and compare nurses' depression, anxiety and stress symptoms at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and after six months; to evaluate and compare the frequency of use of mental health promotion strategies during the same period; and to identify the relationship between the frequency of use of mental health promotion strategies, during the same period, with nurses’ depression, anxiety and stress symptoms. Methods: Data collection was carried out in two moments: at baseline and after six months. An online questionnaire was applied to nurses to assess the frequency of use of some mental health promotion strategies and their depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms (through the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales – short version (DASS-21)). Results: The anxiety and stress symptoms significantly decreased over time. The physical activity increased, and a decrease was observed in the remote social contacts after six months. The stress, anxiety and depression scores were significantly lower in nurses who frequently or always used all strategies compared to participants who never or rarely used them, except for one strategy (rejecting information about COVID-19 from unreliable sources). Conclusions: Mental health promotion strategies, such as physical activity, relaxation activity, recreational activity, healthy diet, adequate water intake, breaks between work shifts, maintenance of remote social contacts, and verbalization of feelings/emotions, are crucial to reduce nurses’ stress, anxiety and depression symptoms during the COVID-19 outbreak.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Morphometric analysis of the esophagus-gastric transition in horse submitted to different feeding management and physical activities

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar se diferentes tipos de manejo físico e alimentar determinaram mudanças adaptativas na morfometria da região de transição esôfago-gástrica (TEG) em eqüinos. Foram utilizados 15 conjuntos de animais adultos com raça, sexo e idade não identificados, divididos em três grupos de acordo com a dieta e a atividade física: grupo I - composto por cinco conjuntos da TEG de eqüinos em treinamento intensivo e alimentados principalmente à base de concentrado; grupo II - com cinco conjuntos da TEG de eqüinos que não desempenhavam atividade física intensa e eram alimentados principalmente à base de concentrado, e o grupo III - composto por cinco conjuntos da TEG de eqüinos mantidos a pasto e que não desempenhavam atividade física intensa. A região de transição esôfago-gástrica teve a estrutura do seu epitélio avaliada morfometricamente, onde foram feitas mensurações para identificar a espessura do epitélio estratificado pavimentoso queratinizado. A espessura do grupo I teve como média 122,3µm, do grupo II foi de 173,4µm e do grupo III foi de 281,7µm. Os resultados encontrados para a espessura do epitélio estratificado pavimentoso queratinizado dos eqüinos mostraram a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas dos eqüinos do grupo I, quando comparados aos eqüinos do grupo III.The objective of this research was to identify if different kind of physical and alimentary management determine adaptative changes in morphometry of the esophagus-gastric transition epithelium. 15 sets comprehending the esophagus-gastric transition region (TEG) was used in adult horses considering undefined breed, gender and age divided in three groups according to diet and physical activity: group I – Five sets (TEG) of horses in intensive training fed with commercial ration; group II – Five sets (TEG) of horses which did not develop any intensive physical activity and fed by commercial ration; group III – Five sets (TEG) of horses kept in the grass without any extra feeding which did not develop any intensive physical activity. The esophagus-gastric transition region had its epithelium structure evaluated morphometrically where measurements were done to identify the thickness of the stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. The thickness of the grup I had as average 122.3µm, grup II 173.4µm of grup III 281.7µm. Results of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium thickness have shown the existence of statistically significant differences of group I when compared to group III

    Macroscopic analysis of the esophagus-gastric transition area in horses submitted to different feeding management and physical activities

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    Estudou-se a região de transição esôfago-gástrica dos eqüinos, pois diversos fatores distintos podem causar lesões nessa região ou, ainda, na região aglandular do estômago destes animais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se diferentes tipos de manejo físico e alimentar determinam alterações na estrutura macroscópica da região de transição esôfago-gástrica de eqüinos. Foram utilizados 15 conjuntos, compreendendo a região de transição esôfago-gástrica de eqüinos adultos, com raça, sexo e idade não identificados, divididos em três grupos de acordo com a dieta e atividade física desenvolvida: Grupo I, cinco conjuntos de eqüinos em treinamento intensivo e alimentados à base de concentrado, principalmente; Grupo II, cinco conjuntos de eqüinos que não desempenhavam atividade física intensa e eram alimentados à base de concentrado, principalmente; e o Grupo III, com cinco conjuntos de eqüinos mantidos a pasto, que não desempenhavam atividade física intensa. Os resultados mostraram que a coloração da mucosa variou entre os grupos, bem como a espessura da parede da região de transição. Verificou-se a presença de úlceras gástricas em todos os grupos estudados; no entanto, a maior incidência foi identificada na transição esôfago-gástrica dos eqüinos do Grupo II. Concluiu-se que não foi possível efetuar nenhuma correlação entre a dieta e atividade física com as alterações macroscópicas, ou seja, a presença de úlceras na parede da região de transição esôfago-gástrica dos eqüinos avaliados. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe region of esophagus-gastric transition of equines was studied since distinct factors can cause injuries in this region as well as in the glandular region of the stomach of these animals. The objective of this work was to identify whether different types of physical and alimentary handling determine alterations in the macroscopic structure of the region of esophagus-gastric transition of the equines. We used 15 sets consisting of the regions of esophagus-gastric transition of adult equines whose race, sex and age were unidentified, divided into three groups in accordance with the diet and developed physical activity: Group I, five sets of equines in intensive training and fed mainly on the basis of concentrate; Group II, five sets of equines that did not engage in intense physical activity and were fed mainly on the basis of concentrate; and Group III with five sets of equines kept on pasture that did not engage in intense physical activity. The results showed that the staining of the mucosa, as well as the wall thickness of the region of transition, varied among groups. Gastric ulcers were found in all the groups studied, but most of them were identified in the transitions of the equines of Group II. The study concludes that no correlation existed between the macroscopic diet/physical activity and the presence of ulcers in the wall of esophagus-gastric transition of the equines